Knowledge Bases
- GETList Knowledge Bases
- POSTCreate Knowledge Base
- GETGet Knowledge Base
- DELDelete Knowledge Base
- PATCHPatch Knowledge Base
- GETList Upload Jobs
- GETGet Chunks
- POSTQuery Relevant Chunks
- POSTDelete Knowledge Base Data Source Connection
- POSTSubmit Upload Job with local files
- GETList Upload Jobs
- POSTSubmit Upload Job
- GETGet Upload Job
- POSTCancel Upload Job
- GETList Tracked Artifacts
- GETGet Tracked Artifact Details
- DELDelete Locally Stored Artifact
- PATCHPatch Artifact Information
- POSTTest Knowledge Base Data Source credentials
- POSTBatch Delete Locally Stored Artifacts
- GETList Upload Schedules
- POSTCreate Upload Schedule
- GETGet Upload Schedule
- DELDelete Upload Schedule
- PATCHUpdate Upload Schedule
Chat Completions
- POSTExecute Model Deployment
- POSTGenerate text embedding
- POSTGenerate reranking
- POSTGenerate completion
- POSTGenerate chat completion
- GETList Model Deployments of a Model
- POSTDeploy Model
- GETGet Model usage by model name
- GETList All Model Deployments
- GETGet Model usage for one deployment
- POSTAdd model to group
- GETGet Model usage for a group
- GETList Models
- POSTCreate Model
- GETGet Model
- DELDelete Model
- PATCHUpdate Model
- GETList Model Groups
- POSTCreate Model Group
- GETGet Model Group
- DELDelete Model Group
- PATCHUpdate Model Group
- GETGet Deployment
- DELDelete Deployment
- PATCHUpdate Deployment
Question Sets
- POSTClaim Evaluation Task
- PATCHUpdate Evaluation Task
- GETGet Contributor Metrics
- GETList Contributor Metrics
- GETGet Evaluation Metrics
- GETGet Hybrid Evaluation Metrics
- GETList Evaluations
- POSTCreate Evaluation
- GETGet Evaluation
- DELDelete Evaluation
- PATCHUpdate Evaluation
- GETList Test Case Results
- POSTCreate Test Case Result
- POSTBatch Create Test Case Results
- GETGet Test Case Result
- PATCHUpdate Test Case Result
- GETGet Historical Test Case Result
- GETList Historical Test Case Results
Evaluation Configs
Evaluation Datasets
- GETList Evaluation Datasets
- POSTCreate Evaluation Dataset
- GETGet Evaluation Dataset
- DELDelete Evaluation Dataset
- PATCHUpdate Evaluation Dataset
- GETList Evaluation Dataset Versions
- POSTCreate Evaluation Dataset Version
- GETGet Evaluation Dataset Version
- GETList Test Cases
- POSTCreate Test Case
- POSTBatch Create Test Cases
- GETGet Test Case
- DELDelete Test Case
- PATCHUpdate Test Case
- GETGet Historical Test Case
- GETList Historical Test Cases
- DELWipe Full History of Test Cases
- GETList Autogenerated Draft Test Cases
- POSTCreate Autogenerated Draft Test Case
- GETGet Autogenerated Draft Test Case
- DELDelete Autogenerated Draft Test Case
- PATCHUpdate Autogenerated Draft Test Case
- POSTApprove Autogenerated Draft Test Case
- POSTPublish Latest Evaluation Dataset Version
- POSTApprove Auto Generated Test Cases Batch
- GETGet Evaluation Dataset Generation Jobs
- POSTCreate Evaluation Dataset Generation Job
- GETGet Evaluation Dataset Generation Job
- POSTCancel Evaluation Dataset Generation Job
- POSTPublish Evaluation Dataset Version
Studio Projects
Application Specs
Knowledge Base Data Sources
Model Templates V3 (Beta)
Model server
API Reference
Fine Tuning Jobs V3 (Beta)
Training Datasets V3 (Beta)
package deployments
- GETList Application Variants
- POSTCreate Application Variant
- GETGet Application Variant
- DELDelete Application Variant
- PATCHUpdate Application Variant
- GETList Application Deployments
- POSTCreate Application Deployment
- GETGet Application Deployment
- PATCHUpdate Application Deployment
- GETList Application Variant Reports
- POSTCreate Application Variant Report
- GETGet Application Variant Report
- GETList Application Test Case Outputs
- POSTBatch Create Application Test Case Outputs
- GETGet Application Test Case Output
- POSTCreate Application With Variant
- GETGet Application Schemas
- POSTProcess Application
- POSTProcess Application By Id
- POSTProcess Deployed Application For Thread
- POSTValidate Application
- GETList Application Threads
- POSTCreate New Application Thread
- POSTUpload Application Files
- PATCHPatch Application Variant Guardrails
Chat Themes
account groups
Get Upload Job
Query Parameters
Unique ID of the upload job.
Configuration for downloading data from source.
Name of the S3 bucket where the data is stored.
AWS region where the S3 bucket is located.
AWS account ID that owns the S3 bucket.
Prefix of the S3 bucket where the data is stored. If not specified, the entire bucket will be used.
The timestamp at which the upload job started.
The timestamp at which the upload job was last updated.
Sync status
, Completed
, Failed
, Canceled
Number of artifacts in each of the various states, such as completed and failed for this upload. This includes artifacts for this data source that are retried.
Number of artifacts in the chunking state
Number of artifacts in the embedding state
Number of artifacts uploaded successfully.
Previously: Number of artifacts awaiting upload. Note that this status will be deprecated soon and should show 0
Number of artifacts with upload in progress.
Number of artifacts that failed while being processed.
List of info for each artifacts associated with this upload. This includes artifacts for this data source that are retried.
Unique identifier for the artifact.
Friendly name for the artifact.
Location (e.g. URI) of the artifact in the data source.
Public Location (e.g. URI) of the artifact in the data source.
Status of the artifact.
Reason for the artifact's status.
Data source of the artifact.
, Confluence
, SharePoint
, GoogleDrive
, AzureBlobStorage
, Slack
, LocalFile
, LocalChunks
Number of chunks pending, completed, and failed.
Timestamp at which the artifact was last updated.
Tags associated with the artifact.
Configuration for chunking the text content of each artifact.
Character designating breaks in input data. Text data will first be split into sections by this separator, then each section will be split into chunks of size chunk_size
Maximum number of characters in each chunk. If not specified, a chunk size of 1000 will be used.
x > 1
Number of characters to overlap between chunks. If not specified, an overlap of 200 will be used. For example if the chunk size is 3 and the overlap size is 1, and the text to chunk is 'abcde', the chunks will be 'abc', 'cde'.
x > 0
Reason for the upload job's status.
Id of the upload schedule that triggered this upload_id. Null if triggered manually.